By using this conversational agent, you agree to the collection of non-identified data as described in this privacy statement. Your participation helps us improve our services and contribute to meaningful research.
Privacy Statement for AID-Back
1. Purpose of Data Collection
We value your privacy. This conversational agent may collect non-identified data to improve its functionality and for research purposes, helping us better understand and enhance its use.
2. What Data We Collect
We only collect non-identified information, such as:
- Your interactions with the agent (e.g., questions and responses).
- Usage patterns and trends.
No personal information that directly identifies you (e.g., name, contact information) is collected.
3. How Your Data is Used
The data is analysed to improve the agent's performance and to contribute to research aimed at advancing knowledge in back pain management and what is important for people with back pain.
Any results from this research will be presented in a way that does not identify individuals.
4. Data Storage and Security
Data is collected by Open AI and the AID-Back team. The AID-Back team securely stores data on the UNSW OneDrive encrypted servers. Data is accessible only to authorised members of the AID-Back team.
5. Voluntary Participation
Your use of this conversational agent is voluntary. You can stop using the agent at any time, and no new data will be collected from that point forward.
6. Data Sharing
Non-identified data may be shared with collaborators or used in publications, but only in aggregate or anonymised forms that cannot be traced back to individual users.
7. Your Rights
You have the right to:
- Request the removal of your data from our systems.
- Ask questions about how your data is used or stored.
For any inquiries, please contact
8. Ethical Compliance
All research projects will adhere to ethical research standards and comply with relevant regulations and institutional review board guidelines.